Cafe Church With Dave Hutchings

At this Cafe Church Dave Hutchings will speak on ‘God & Science: A New Story’. Dave is a fellow of the royal society of physics, teaches in York and has co-authored 2 books related to God and Science.

In the first book ‘Let there be Science’ the relationship between God and Science is explored. Why is it that science has consistently thrived wherever the Christian faith can be found? Why is it that so many great scientists – past and present- attribute their motivation and their discoveries, at least partially, to their Christian beliefs? Why are the age-old writings of the bible so full of questions about natural phenomena? And perhaps most importantly of all, why is this all virtually unknown to the general public? Too often, it would seem, science has been presented to the outside world as a robotic, detached unemotional enterprise. Too often, Christianity is dismissed as being an ancient superstition. In reality neither is the case. Science is a deeply human activity and Christianity is deeply reasonable.

Dave will share into some of the above as he talks about the reasonableness of the Christian faith and how God loves science and science needs God! Dave is married to Emma and they have two children Bethan & Chloe and are part of the eldership team at Christ the Light Church, York.

16 February 2020
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Capital City Church International

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