Vision & Values

An evangelising church…

Characterised by a heart for the lost and a lifestyle of evangelism, both personal and corporate. Restore the vision for the unadorned, undiluted and unapologetic proclamation of the gospel in our nation.

A growing church…

For growth to be our sustained desire and vision, and the consistent trend and pattern. For most of our growth to come from new converts.

A large church…

There is a need for large churches in the community and nation. They give profile to the gospel, weight to our evangelism, credibility to our prophetic challenge, and they resource our apostolic ventures.

A multicultural church…

We want to be a church for Scottish people impacting the nation of Scotland. But this by definition includes the many other people-groups who live here. A multicultural church: reflects the truth that God’s heart and his salvation is for all nations; enriches the worship and fellowship of the church; gives prophetic challenge and hope to a divided society; and facilitates the apostolic thrust into the nations.

A friendship church…

Friendship before function. Excelling in community and hospitality. For the biblical qualities of love, truthfulness, forgiveness, humility, mutual submission and service to characterise all our relationships.

A passionate church…

To love Jesus with undying passion; to be excited & enthusiastic about God, the gospel & all that we do.

A radical church…

In lifestyle, witness and vision to be radical and uncompromisingly obedient, and never intimidated or watered-down by time, difficulties, our culture, the spirit of the age, or the powers ranged against us.

A relevant church…

Real not religious. Attractive, accessible and meaningful to our time & place, our generation & nation.

A praying church…

Our personal and corporate life characterised by passionate, sacrificial and effective prayer (and fasting).

A worshipping church…

Our personal and corporate life similarly characterised by passionate, creative and anointed worship.

A word church…

The life of the church bible-based in every detail. Preaching the full council of God. Love and knowledge of the word pervading our personal devotions and corporate worship.

A training church…

Taking every opportunity to train all of Gods people for maximum effectiveness in discipleship and service, both here and elsewhere, through systematic and substantial, theological and practical, training.

A leadership church…

Characterised by biblical government and strong leadership. Training, raising-up and releasing leaders for this church and the nation(s). Recognising that while only some hold office, all can/do lead others.

A priestly church…

Everyone a priest – present, participating and contributing; gifted, anointed and ministering. The majority carrying the minority. The whole vision owned by the whole church. Maximum commitment.

A supernatural church…

Supernaturally natural & naturally supernatural. Consistently expecting & experiencing the miraculous.

A serving church…

A lifestyle of willing and sacrificial service and giving to those inside and outside the church.

A prophetic church…

Addressing & impacting church and society in our nation, particularly re philosophy, authority, morality.

An apostolic church…

A heart and vision for, and an involvement with, the nations; in partnership with the apostolic team and the relating churches. To go, to send; to be not only a church for all nations but to all nations.

A base church…

To be a model for, and to support and resource, other churches; sending out prayer, pounds, people, etc.

A planting church…

To reproduce ourselves, planting churches in Edinburgh, the UK, Europe and the world (cf. Acts 1/8).

  • Our Sunday Meetings

    We meet every Sunday for our Family Service @ 10.30am at 107C McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NW.

    Join us as we praise God, hear from His Word and enjoy family together. This includes great activities for kids of all ages and connection in our community cafe.

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