Illuminate Curriculum 2015

God’s call and promise Through the life of Abraham, we discover God calls his people and keeps his promise to them
12/04 Genesis 12:1–9 Abram’s call
19/04 Genesis 13 Lots Choice
26/04 Genesis 17 Abram’s name change
Jesus heals We explore people’s responses to Jesus healing people
03/05 Mark 7:31–37 Eyes and ears
10/05 Luke 13:10–17 Back healer
17/05 Luke 17:11–19 Ten healed
Isaac and our faithful God We see how faithful God is through the experiences of Isaac
24/05 Genesis 18:1–15; 21:1–8 Isaac is born
31/05 Genesis 22 Abraham passes the test
07/06 Genesis 25:19–34; 27:1–45 Isaac’s children
Power in the Spirit The disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit and equipped for God’s service.
28/06 Acts 2:1–13,43–47 Promise delivered
05/07 Acts 3 Beautiful miracle
12/07 Acts 4 God-talk
God is with Jacob A series about our God who lives with his people.
16/08 Genesis 28:10–22 God’s promises to Jacob
23/08 Genesis 29–31 Jacob gets married
30/08 Genesis 32,33 Jacob goes home
Jesus and John We discover how God prepares his people as we look at the life of John the Baptist and his interaction with Jesus
06/09 Luke 2:41–52 Jesus in the Temple
13/09 Matthew 3:1–17 John in the desert
20/09 Matthew 4:1–11 Jesus in the desert
27/09 Matthew 11:1–19 John in prison
God’s plan for Joseph Come with Joseph through many adventures, dangers, good and bad times, and see how his life was part of God’s plan.
11/10 Genesis 37 Joseph dreams
18/10 Genesis 39 Do what’s right
25/10 Genesis 41 Pharaoh’s dreams
01/11 Genesis 42–44 Brothers buy grain
God comes to his people We explore the different people God came to in the first Christmas
15/11 Luke 2:1–7 God comes to Bethlehem
22/11 Luke 2:8–21 God comes to the shepherds
29/11 Matthew 2:1–23 God comes to the wise men
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