Illuminate classes

2-4 year olds – everything is new, exciting and just waiting to be discovered at this age. They are in the busiest time of their lives when they will learn more than at any other time and, crucially, when their brains establish learning pathways. They are receptive to God, to hearing him in ways that many of us have lost as we have grown up, and to having the sort of faith that Jesus wants us all to have. We aim to nurture young children’s faith, as they meet God in the Bible. At this age we use methods based on play and story to help children develop a personal relationship with God.

5-8 year olds – Children of this age love to play together, be creative, use their energy, explore new ideas and enjoy old favourites. They have a great capacity for friendship and empathy and can have a depth of spirituality which can be both matter of fact and breathtaking. We aim to support the children with their daily lives with God, encouraging a depth of spiritual growth and discover what God is saying to them through the Bible. We use fun, age-appropriate activities for a variety of learning styles, to encourage children to draw closer to God day by day.

9-12 year olds – 9-12 year olds still like to have fun! They like to be with their friends and are growing increasingly independent. Most still like the opportunity to play games and to be creative and their capacity to learn is enormous and most can read quite well. We aim to feed their imaginations with our curriculum and allow them space to ask the questions about the things that younger children take for granted. We encourage them to discover for themselves awesome things about God through the Bible, apply what they learn to their daily lives, and live their daily lives for God.

  • Our Sunday Meetings

    We meet every Sunday for our Family Service @ 10.30am at 107C McDonald Road, Edinburgh EH7 4NW.

    Join us as we praise God, hear from His Word and enjoy family together. This includes great activities for kids of all ages and connection in our community cafe.

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